Sources of Free Slogans

When ad man Dan Wieden read about the operation of Gary Gilmore in 1976 the last words of the doomed man, "Let's do it." stuck in his head. A few years later, Wieden had formed the Wieden-Kennedy ad department in Portland and landed Nike as a client. The new enterprise needed a catchword and Wieden put a new twist on the gruesome memory to generate "Just do it.". The catchword has become one of the most recognizable in the world.

Cartoon Network

This story is an example of how the catch phrases and sayings are all around us. Often, turning them into a winning catchword is just a matter of putting a well know phrase into a new context or changing a catch phrase slightly to make it fit a new application. We tend to know instinctively when words have the right ring to them. When you hear words with that ring, make a note of them. You never know when they will come back to you when needed.

Cartoon Network

Some of the best campaign slogans I have used in the past have come about by accident. In one case, we used the catchword from an internal, worker transportation and gave it new life as a campaign slogan. In an additional one situation, an idea came to mind during while I was listening to the Ceo give a luncheon speech. He repeated the same phrase about five times during the talk. This became a catchword that the enterprise successfully used for the next six years. For an additional one company, a common phrase kept getting used to spin the growth spurt the enterprise was experiencing. The phrase itself wasn't a great slogan, but a illustrated artist created a cartoon that gave it life and legs.

There is a principles about why some slogans or images become popular called "structure of feeling". This concept, industrialized by a British sociologist named Williams, is that from time to time a group feeling exists among a community or community that the group is unable to articulate. Person comes along and takes a photo or utters a phrase that seems to express what every person felt but were not able to communicate. The best slogans often put words to a group feeling.

So if you need ideas for free slogans, read news stories, talk to people, watch television and pay concentration the words that grab you. Chances are some slogans will come to mind.

Sources of Free Slogans

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