With the Green Movement happening in American today, it is amazing how many network marketers just don't get how to do things naturally.
I see people in network marketing having uncomfortable conversation with people. I see people in network marketing struggling to find people to do business with. I see people in network marketing who truly want to be successful but they do NOT understand the natural way of doing things.
Cartoon Network
In nature there is a progression that happens. Its planting, cultivating, and harvesting. Guess what you should be doing the same thing in your business! I do not care if you generate business face to face or on the internet. You have to understand the basic nature of building relationships with prospects.
The old advice that people want to do business with people they know, like, and trust has more value today than ever before. People considering network marketing really are looking for this! They want to know you care about them, but more importantly can bring them the RESULTS, they are looking for.
When you are planting or what I will call "generating business" you have to be willing to search for those people who are OPEN to do business with you. Don't waste your time trying to convince someone that is NOT interested in your network marketing business.
When your cultivating or providing information of value, make sure you are constantly entering the conversation that is going on in your prospects mind. The Gold Rule of Marketing says treat people how they like to be treated!
Finally, harvest or sell to people who want to buy! If you do all the work when it comes to cultivating and planting, harvesting will comes easily and naturally!
Take the time to figure out how you can accomplish this in your business on a regular on going basis.
All Natural Network Marketing!
John T.S. Murphy- Is a home base business owner who teaches people "How To" break free of the 9 to 5 Lifestyle. He shows EXACTLY how you can work from home, call your own shots, and live the lifestyle of your dreams!
To find out more information about John and how he helps people:
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