There is a widely used 3 step system used for network marketing and here is the format. Its
1. Expose
2. Follow Up
3. Three Way
The exposing method is quite simple. Alot of good network marketing companies now provide you with your own unique web-site. So in the exposing stage all you must do is expose your opportunity to your prospect. Your sole job is to get your prospect to visit your website, period. The second method is follow up. This system works a treat over the phone. after 48 hours all you must do is give your prospect a ring to see if they have gone through all the information and if they have any questions. When your prospect comes back to you with his queries, tell him that you are going to three way one of your leaders as they will be more qualified to answer the questions. By doing this, your prospect sees unbelievable support as now there are 2 people in the background providing support to your queries.
Cartoon Network
Remember whoever you three way in as your authoritative figure must do all the question answering. This is very important. Also remember the format, expose, follow up and then have a three way phone conversation. This format has worked for network marketers for years. ts a proven system and it totally takes the pressure off yourself as your leader will do all the question answering for you. Use this system and your success is guaranteed.!
This is vital to your network marketing success!
3 Step System For Network Marketing Success
Jacko Foley Is An Expert Internet Network Marketer & Will Take You By The Hand To Help You Achieve Your Network Marketing Dreams.
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