Many people who join a network marketing company do not have their own network marketing website. They take the website their MLM company gives them and just refer people to that. To make this work you really need to be having direct contact with a prospective customer or distributor in person on on the phone. To a lesser degree email marketing will work as well.
The biggest problem with this is that you have no way to develop your website into your own creation. You can still build a downline of distributors and you may even build a large enough group to make average or above average money. A select few will go on to make huge amounts of money and retire on the residual income they are earning for the rest of their lives.
Cartoon Network
The benefit of having your own website is that you can develop it around various keyword phrases that will eventually get you a high ranking with a search engine. By develop it I mean add new web pages or even start a blog for your website and make new posts in it on a regular basis.
If for some reason 6 months or 1 year, or at some time in the future you drop out of the network marketing company you are with you still have your website that you can continue to develop and you can add a new MLM company or companies to it.
As long as you are providing fresh content to your website on a consistent basis this becomes an investment in your future.
So I will suggest that you get your own website hosting company, and your own domain name, and start building a website of your own. If you do not have the skills consider learning them. If that seems impossible hire someone to do it for you. It is a decision you will not regret.
Do You Have Your Own Network Marketing Website?
If you are looking to make money online, visit JV With Jeff for free training on making money with no website or product of your own!
Author: Jeff Schuman is a six figure income earner and full time internet marketer. His is on page one of Google for over 3400 unique keyword phrases and has over 12,000 backlinks to it. He is offering to teach you how to make money on the internet with paid surveys, starting an internet business, and Hands Off Article Marketing when you subscribe to his free eCourse JV With Jeff.
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