I received a Linked-In message the other day from a former laborer who has been laid off. I had sent him a join together invite a combine of months ago and asked how things were going. He standard the invitation but didn't take the opportunity to re-connect and open a dialogue. In this new message he apologized and said that he wished he had taken the time to talk earlier. Now he was wondering if I could help him out in his job search.
I suggest maintaining a strong connection with your pro network. That way, you don't put yourself in the awkward position of request for help from man you haven't spoken to in months or years. The reality is that it's easier said than done. I've been in the position where I've felt embarrassed to reach out to man due to the length of time that has passed since I spoke to them. Despite my best intentions, urgent projects at work and house projects at home sometimes put my networking activities on the back burner. There are many reasons why we may lose caress with someone. They move away, we convert jobs; one of us stops the hobby or base interest that brought us together. My response to my erstwhile laborer was 'what can I do to help?' because I've felt his pain.
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If you find yourself in the awkward position of needing to revive a lapsed connection, here are five steps to help you do it:
1. Decide to take action. Instead of beating yourself up for not staying in touch, give yourself permission to be human. Don't assume that the man won't want to hear from you. I recently had an old college roommate find me on Face Book. We hadn't kept in touch since we graduated many moons ago but I was delighted to hear from her.
2. Make the first contact. One of the easiest ways to reconnect is via email. I suggest putting the man at ease by acknowledging up front that it's been a while since you connected. If you're embarrassed, say so. This coming is applicable not only to friends and co-workers but also to population you met at networking functions but never followed up with. Be gracious and take ownership of the lapse in communication. This removes the anxiety the other man may have for not retention in caress with you. If you're feeling brave, your first caress can be a phone call. Don't assume that the man will identify your voice after a long period of time. Whether in an email or phone call, re-introduce yourself and refresh their memory about the last time you spoke to them. If you reach out via one of the communal networking sites don't just send a join together request, all the time attach a personal message as you would in an email.
3. Show a genuine interest in what they've been doing since you last connected. Ask questions about their work projects or house or interests that you may have in common. Your goal is to get back the rapport that you once had.
4. Be candid and definite about what you want from them. If you need a recommendation or would like an introduction, say so. Chances are your caress knows that there is some conjecture that you've reached out to them. They are waiting to hear it and are probably willing to help. If they're not, it may because they are no longer a good fit for your network and that's good to know as well.
5. Maintain the connection. Now that you've done the hard part, don't relapse. Originate a follow-up ideas that will keep you on track to stay connected. This can be as straightforward as putting reminders on your calendar or as complicated as using a caress administration application. Pick what works for you, your network and your lifestyle. For some connections, a monthly email will suffice, for others a more frequent or more personal coming may be needed. Take advantage of communal networking sites such as Linked-In and Face Book. These sites make it easy for your network to know what's happening with you. Even though you're not personally speaking to each person, you're retention them in the loop.
Finally, remember to send a follow-up from your first conversation or email exchange. Thank your caress for any aid they in case,granted but just as importantly, express your delight in re-connecting and close with an offer to assist them.
How to Rebuild Your expert Network
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