In previous articles, I relate two methods for securing an air-link in today's wireless network environment consist of encryption and authentication. This article goes into more detail on what types of encryption and authentication are available, which is best and how to set in motion them on a wireless network.
Most of the most recent wireless network devices man-made let you set up both encryption and authentication in one step. You conclude a network key phrase (also known by the following phrases interchangeably - network password, shared hidden keyword, network pass phrase or any variations thereof).
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This shared hidden key phrase is a hidden set of numbers, letters and/or symbols you generate and is only provided to those users that are authorized to way your wireless network. With a shared hidden key or pass phrase, you are able to perform both safety functions:
Authenticate - Users that take the key phrase and install it on their wireless network configuration panel are allowed to way the network. Any user attempting to way the network without the proper key phrase will not be granted way into the wireless network.
Encryption - Your shared hidden phrase is also the pass phrase used to encrypt all wireless data before transmission and enables the information to be decrypted at the point of reception. Any user that is able to receive your transmitted Rf signal will only see gibberish on their computer because they do not have the key required to decrypt the contents of the transmission.
The two customary methods of providing authentication and encryption in today's wireless networks are Wired Equivalent Privacy (Wep) and Wi-Fi Protected way (Wpa). There are added methods and even complicated versions of these methods but these two methods are the most favorite and prevalent among today's wireless equipment.
The first method, Wep, is the older of the two and is very vulnerable to hacking. Roughly any novice computer hacker with a good antenna attached to a wireless adapter and a free software utility, ready for download in a amount of locations on the Web, can break this form of security. There are clear encryption flaws that make it easy for a hacker to break your shared hidden phrase (the Wep key) and gain unfettered way to your wireless network, your Internet relationship and your computer(s).
Wpa is the modern recommended solution for locking down your Wi-Fi network to unauthorized access. As mentioned earlier, there are a amount of versions and variations on Wpa but you want to use one of them as they contribute a greater level of safety than Wep.
So as you continue to work through your wireless network configuration and design, safety needs to be a high priority when it comes to selecting your hardware. Make sure All your hardware is Wpa compatible and that they all have the same level of security. Wep is good (barely) than nothing but all the time opt for Wpa safety for your hardware and network configuration.
Wireless Network protection - Setting Up Encryption and Authentication on Your Network
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