Is Networking a Waste of Time?

Those who think that networking is a waste of time, specifically "social" networking are way off the mark. In fact, public networking (aka: online networking) has grown exponentially over just the last combine of years alone. With public networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, Tumblr, Zimbio and more, there is a plethora of avenues to study when it comes to seeing others within your niche. Because every niche is different and specifically geared towards something, the type of public network that you will want to join will vary. For example, just because Twitter and Face book are the largest public networking sites on the Internet right now, this doesn't necessarily mean that you will gain a huge benefit by creating profiles for your business here.

Cartoon Network

Research, Research. Research. Find out what sites population within your niche are hanging out on the most. For example, for one person I know who runs a gadget website for the technologically savvy, he finds that most of his success comes from using a public networking site called Redditt. However, for person like me who wants to make pro business connections, I might select to use related In. It just depends on what you are seeing for. Other example of public networking in use can be seen in my aunt. She uses a local meet up networking socially site so that she can find assorted activities to contain herself in during the week and on the weekends. From free dance lessons to 'Over 50 singles nights out', there is no shortage of things to do for her.

Cartoon Network

Networking is also beneficial both online and off because it can mean the discrepancy in the middle of landing a job versus not. For example, though many population might have the credentials on paper, it is still a somewhat unfortunate fact that those who land the dream jobs do so not because of their actual qualifications so to speak. Rather, they get the job because of who they have networked with in the past- who they know. person who has already met with and knows the personality of one person might select that person over the person on paper that they have never met.

In modern years with the improve of online public networking, there have been some who have suggested that with this progression of online networking, there has been a inverse connection or regression away from actual face-to-face communication. However, nothing could be supplementary from the truth. In fact, networking socially, if anything, has led to the meet and greet of more population than anyone else. From online webinars to Tweets about where meet up groups are going to be meeting up, you can now rearrange your agenda and plan ahead with this type of networking. For example, person like me may see a tweet about a local meet up in my area related to public netting. I can then retort to that Tweet with an Rsvp saying that I will at tend and naturally copy down the location of where the meet up will be taking place. It's that easy...and that effective.

Is Networking a Waste of Time?

3 Step System For Network Marketing Success

There is a widely used 3 step system used for network marketing and here is the format. Its
1. Expose
2. Follow Up
3. Three Way

Cartoon Network

The exposing method is quite simple. Alot of good network marketing companies now provide you with your own unique web-site. So in the exposing stage all you must do is expose your opportunity to your prospect. Your sole job is to get your prospect to visit your website, period. The second method is follow up. This system works a treat over the phone. after 48 hours all you must do is give your prospect a ring to see if they have gone through all the information and if they have any questions. When your prospect comes back to you with his queries, tell him that you are going to three way one of your leaders as they will be more qualified to answer the questions. By doing this, your prospect sees unbelievable support as now there are 2 people in the background providing support to your queries.

Cartoon Network

Remember whoever you three way in as your authoritative figure must do all the question answering. This is very important. Also remember the format, expose, follow up and then have a three way phone conversation. This format has worked for network marketers for years. ts a proven system and it totally takes the pressure off yourself as your leader will do all the question answering for you. Use this system and your success is guaranteed.!

This is vital to your network marketing success!

3 Step System For Network Marketing Success

Jacko Foley Is An Expert Internet Network Marketer & Will Take You By The Hand To Help You Achieve Your Network Marketing Dreams.

easy Networking: Elevator speeches vs. Self-introductions

In the enterprise networking context, habitancy are encouraged to craft and use "elevator speeches" when introducing themselves.

Cartoon Network

But I found myself resisting the concept. Something about having a canned speech to introduce myself made me uncomfortable.

Cartoon Network

As I view about it, I realized why.

In my mind, there is a big disagreement in the middle of "elevator speeches" and self-introductions.

Let's think about this for a bit.

The story behind the elevator speech view is that one day you might find yourself riding up the elevator with someone with whom you've been wanting to talk for a while. This is your unexpected opportunity! You have a just a few minutes to "pitch" your offer (product, service, whatever), and persuade this someone that anyone it is your gift they in effect need it.

Elevator speeches can be very beneficial when you're out prospecting; in other words, specifically seeing to find habitancy to whom you can sell your products or services). It can even be helpful in networking situations.

However, there are any implicit assumptions that may or may not be true.

It assumes that:
You have something the other someone wants, either to sell or for free. You *know* what the other someone wants. You have *only a few minutes* to convince the other someone that you have what they want.

When I meet someone for the first time, I don't know if any of these assumptions are true.

Do you?

So, in such situations, I find that a brief self-introduction is more useful.

A good self-introduction includes your name and something about you that establishes what you have in common with the someone you're talking with.

Depending on whom you're talking with, and what the context is, you will of policy introduce yourself differently. You will use separate analogies to explain what you do. Or feature separate aspects of your work.

There is no pitching or selling involved. However, by plainly highlighting a single aspect of what you do, that you think
might be of interest to the other person, you can originate an opportunity for an piquant conversation to emerge.

And once you truly *engage* in conversation with other person, you begin to find out all kinds of information.

This information is what you can then use to resolve either the someone you're talking with would be a good prospective client or customer for you. Or either they'd be a good source of referrals for you. Or a good mentor for you.

Now you're in a much good position to make a "pitch", if that's what you resolve you want to do.

easy Networking: Elevator speeches vs. Self-introductions

The Making Of A Meeting of Chefs - Poster for an International Project

The Making Of A Meeting of Chefs - Poster for an International Project Tube. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

How I did Encuentro de Chefs/Rencontre des Chefs This will give you an idea of what lies behind those works called "Matte Paintings" I used Adobe Photoshop CS4 and my Wacom Intuos4 tablet. I used After Effects for the final slideshow and 3D animation music: Reflection of a Dying World - Disperse ======================================================== This is a work I was commissioned by a client - Mr. Vincent Brochot - who proposed me to join his project and create a poster for the even he is organizing. It consists of a meeting between french and mexican chefs, trying to join the cuisines of their countries and show the world they are not so far. There will be a website about this event and I'll post the link on my flickr gallery as soon as it goes online. I was told to work on the concept and create a manipulation that would work. The point was not to convey a concept of challenge but a meeting instead. Well I thought of a "meeting of cultures" more than a meeting of chefs working with food. That's why I wanted each chef to serve on a silver plate his own "symbol" of his culture: Eiffel Tower and The Aztec Pyramid of the Moon. The client wanted the manipulation to be realistic and extremely faithful to the real places chosen. So I used real images of Paris and Mexico and I had fun adding the craters where the monuments were supposed to be taken off by the chefs. The number of images used is about 20 and i personally took the lower third of the sky - the rest is hand ...

Keywords: Giuseppe, Parisi;, Vincent, Brochot;,;, illustration;, france;, mexico;, manipulation;, matte, painting;, chef;, eiffel;, pyramid;, culture;, meeting

How to Rebuild Your expert Network

I received a Linked-In message the other day from a former laborer who has been laid off. I had sent him a join together invite a combine of months ago and asked how things were going. He standard the invitation but didn't take the opportunity to re-connect and open a dialogue. In this new message he apologized and said that he wished he had taken the time to talk earlier. Now he was wondering if I could help him out in his job search.

Cartoon Network

I suggest maintaining a strong connection with your pro network. That way, you don't put yourself in the awkward position of request for help from man you haven't spoken to in months or years. The reality is that it's easier said than done. I've been in the position where I've felt embarrassed to reach out to man due to the length of time that has passed since I spoke to them. Despite my best intentions, urgent projects at work and house projects at home sometimes put my networking activities on the back burner. There are many reasons why we may lose caress with someone. They move away, we convert jobs; one of us stops the hobby or base interest that brought us together. My response to my erstwhile laborer was 'what can I do to help?' because I've felt his pain.

Cartoon Network

If you find yourself in the awkward position of needing to revive a lapsed connection, here are five steps to help you do it:

1. Decide to take action. Instead of beating yourself up for not staying in touch, give yourself permission to be human. Don't assume that the man won't want to hear from you. I recently had an old college roommate find me on Face Book. We hadn't kept in touch since we graduated many moons ago but I was delighted to hear from her.

2. Make the first contact. One of the easiest ways to reconnect is via email. I suggest putting the man at ease by acknowledging up front that it's been a while since you connected. If you're embarrassed, say so. This coming is applicable not only to friends and co-workers but also to population you met at networking functions but never followed up with. Be gracious and take ownership of the lapse in communication. This removes the anxiety the other man may have for not retention in caress with you. If you're feeling brave, your first caress can be a phone call. Don't assume that the man will identify your voice after a long period of time. Whether in an email or phone call, re-introduce yourself and refresh their memory about the last time you spoke to them. If you reach out via one of the communal networking sites don't just send a join together request, all the time attach a personal message as you would in an email.

3. Show a genuine interest in what they've been doing since you last connected. Ask questions about their work projects or house or interests that you may have in common. Your goal is to get back the rapport that you once had.

4. Be candid and definite about what you want from them. If you need a recommendation or would like an introduction, say so. Chances are your caress knows that there is some conjecture that you've reached out to them. They are waiting to hear it and are probably willing to help. If they're not, it may because they are no longer a good fit for your network and that's good to know as well.

5. Maintain the connection. Now that you've done the hard part, don't relapse. Originate a follow-up ideas that will keep you on track to stay connected. This can be as straightforward as putting reminders on your calendar or as complicated as using a caress administration application. Pick what works for you, your network and your lifestyle. For some connections, a monthly email will suffice, for others a more frequent or more personal coming may be needed. Take advantage of communal networking sites such as Linked-In and Face Book. These sites make it easy for your network to know what's happening with you. Even though you're not personally speaking to each person, you're retention them in the loop.

Finally, remember to send a follow-up from your first conversation or email exchange. Thank your caress for any aid they in case,granted but just as importantly, express your delight in re-connecting and close with an offer to assist them.

How to Rebuild Your expert Network

Effortless Networking: Building Your Network from "scratch"

For the first 15 years of my professional life, I lived and worked in the same town.

Cartoon Network

Then, I moved every year for 3 years in a row!

Cartoon Network

Disruptive as it was, I learned a great deal from that experience.

One of the things I learned was how to quickly establish myself, professionally and otherwise, in a new location and community.

Although I figured it out incrementally, through trial and error, it has now become a very simple formula.

I've relocated recently, and of course, this is what I'll use to rebuild my network again!

So here is my 3 step "formula":

  1. Figure out what would make you feel "grounded" or established. For me this means getting to know at least a couple of people in the local business community. Or joining at least one group in which I might get a sense of "belonging" right away. This makes me feel "grounded" because I know that I can meet other people through them. So I usually look up the local Chamber of Commerce, search for associations for women business owners, a local chapter of my professional association, and so on. From a personal perspective, I like to know whether there's a place nearby to go dance Argentine Tango! I also look for kid-related stuff -- playgroups, childrens activities and programs, childcare options, etc. For me, just *knowing* that these options exist in my new location is comforting. So I search for all this before the move. In fact, I've already done this for my upcoming move!
  2. Find and engage in at least one of these things. For me this means that once I arrive at my new location, I start checking out and showing up at each of these organizations or events. The first time I did this, I thought I'd feel awkward or uncomfortable showing up alone. Well, sometimes I did and sometimes I didn't. Looking back, I realized that whenever I was genuinely curious, I NEVER felt uncomfortable or awkward. I had so many questions and was so focused on finding out the answers to my questions, there was no time to feel awkward! So when you start checking out your new community, take your questions with you and show up with genuine curiosity. It will serve you well on many levels.
  3. Make at least one "friend", and build your new community from there. As soon as I meet someone whom I "click" with, I get his or her contact information and ask if we can talk again soon. From this person, I find out more about the organization or event where we met, other people in the community, specific information or regulations about running a business in that town, and any other questions that pop into my head... Anyway, during our conversation, based on the kinds of questions I ask or the interest that I express, it becomes quite apparent to the person I'm talking with, whom else in the community or organization I should meet. And my new "friend" usually makes these introductions, sometimes without my even asking for it. So I get to meet other people, and start building my new community, through this one person (very effortlessly, you might say).

The best part is that this person usually does end up becoming a true friend. I'm still in touch with my first friends from all the different places where I've lived.

Effortless Networking: Building Your Network from "scratch"

(c) Copyright 2006, Srirupa Dasgupta

Sri Dasgupta helps business professionals get better results from their business networking efforts through focused and relevant conversations. She is the author of the Effortless Networking [], and writes regular articles offering business networking tips and related resources.

Cartoon Network - Regular Show - Party Pete Promos

Cartoon Network - Regular Show - Party Pete Promos Video Clips. Duration : 0.77 Mins.

So there's going to be another party at Mordecai's and Rigby's, hope this time they don't have to kill their guests. BTW: HUMMUUUUS!!!! I hope I can get Adventure Time's promos between today and tomorrow. TM & © 2011 Cartoon Network. A Time Warner Company. All Rights Reserved. The Cartoon Network is a part of the Turner Broadcasting System.

Tags: Cartoon Network, Check It, Regular Show, Party Pete

A List of Effective Network Marketing Strategies

Network marketing strategies are going to serve as the core of your home-based business. The best and most effective one is prospecting. You never know where your next sale is going to come from, so prospecting becomes the most vital aspect of your business. Of all the network marketing strategies available to you, prospecting is the one you will use every single day no matter what. It always works. You'll always get results when you enjoy prospecting every day for new customers and those interested in a home-based business opportunity.

Cartoon Network

There's a right way and a wrong way to prospect. In order to learn how to prospect the right way, you have to be a lifelong learner because good prospectors always continue training this skill. You really can't learn enough when it comes to prospecting. Of all the network marketing strategies available to you, this is one that will evolve over time for you because it's one you need to practice in order to make perfect. Keep training your prospecting skills as time goes on no matter how good you think you are at it. There's always room for improvement and more practice as you gain new skills and insight in prospecting.

Cartoon Network

You have much to learn about network marketing strategies, so it's very important that you look up to those in your upline so you can learn their tricks. Think of your upline as your mentors who can teach you what has worked for them. You're learning from the masters when you pay attention to what has worked for these high earners.

One thing that always works is staying organized. It may not sound like the most profound of network marketing strategies at first, but organizing information about your phone calls and conversations with prospects can be enormously helpful. In addition to keeping detailed notes about your prospects, you'll always want to keep integrating new information you learn into your prospecting. You never know what you can learn next that is going to help you achieve your goals.

A statistic about who makes a good prospect could really make the difference in your daily routing. Or a tip from a top seller in your upline could make all the difference the next time you need to seal the deal. Everyone learns from one another in a collaborative environment. The network of people in your upline will be enormously helpful to you as you prospect new people.

Can they look at what you're doing and tell you what isn't working?

Can they tell you what actions they took to get more sales?

When they started seeking out prospects, where did they have the most luck?

What, in the experience of experts in your upline, helps to land prospects faster than what you're doing now?

There is so much to learn about network marketing strategies that you can incorporate into your business to make it grow. Remember that practice makes perfect, so don't be afraid to put in some extra effort to learn more about prospecting.

A List of Effective Network Marketing Strategies

Learn more about Brian Garvin and Jeff West at Internet Marketing Review Kings and MLM Review Kings today. Use this article freely but please leave Resource Box intact.

communal Networking Is Officially Mainstream

I have to admit that when I heard they were manufacture a movie about Facebook I was a bit surprised, but by the time opportunity day came around, I was not surprised it was the top grossing film at million. And I was please to hear that the reviews are good - so I have a good excuse to go and see it.

Cartoon Network

Just a couple years ago, could you have authentically guessed that you would authentically be intrigued by the idea of looking a movie about Facebook? Today, we understands it is profoundly influencing approximately every person's life. Half of the American habitancy is on Facebook. The company is valued at billion dollars. It's Founder is only 26 years old. It's not hard to build an involving story for a movie. But still, a blockbuster film? No one could have ever forseen it. Even Google did not get it's own feature film. Then again, Facebook has already overcome Google as the number one site. What amazes me is how unpredictable these trends are. Even today, while we start thinking ok - the Internet is fairly well defined. We've got these established leaders and no one is set to overtake them anytime soon - Google, Facebook, Twitter. But wouldn't we have said that a few years ago about Aol, MySpace and Microsoft?

Cartoon Network

Whatever the case, the issue and success of a film like "The public Network" makes these types of bemusings officially mainstream. The Internet is as much a part of the midpoint American's life as Television. Now, we just need to learn how to ensure it is a balanced part of the rest of our life and we do not turn into Internet Addicts!

communal Networking Is Officially Mainstream

Do You Have Your Own Network Marketing Website?

Many people who join a network marketing company do not have their own network marketing website. They take the website their MLM company gives them and just refer people to that. To make this work you really need to be having direct contact with a prospective customer or distributor in person on on the phone. To a lesser degree email marketing will work as well.

Cartoon Network

The biggest problem with this is that you have no way to develop your website into your own creation. You can still build a downline of distributors and you may even build a large enough group to make average or above average money. A select few will go on to make huge amounts of money and retire on the residual income they are earning for the rest of their lives.

Cartoon Network

The benefit of having your own website is that you can develop it around various keyword phrases that will eventually get you a high ranking with a search engine. By develop it I mean add new web pages or even start a blog for your website and make new posts in it on a regular basis.

If for some reason 6 months or 1 year, or at some time in the future you drop out of the network marketing company you are with you still have your website that you can continue to develop and you can add a new MLM company or companies to it.

As long as you are providing fresh content to your website on a consistent basis this becomes an investment in your future.

So I will suggest that you get your own website hosting company, and your own domain name, and start building a website of your own. If you do not have the skills consider learning them. If that seems impossible hire someone to do it for you. It is a decision you will not regret.

Do You Have Your Own Network Marketing Website?

If you are looking to make money online, visit JV With Jeff for free training on making money with no website or product of your own!

Author: Jeff Schuman is a six figure income earner and full time internet marketer. His is on page one of Google for over 3400 unique keyword phrases and has over 12,000 backlinks to it. He is offering to teach you how to make money on the internet with paid surveys, starting an internet business, and Hands Off Article Marketing when you subscribe to his free eCourse JV With Jeff.

3 Reasons to Network at breakfast Meetings

Out of the many opportunities there are for company networking, morning meal meetings are high on the list. They are mostly similar to networking luncheons but vary in a few ways.

Cartoon Network

You can find networking morning meal meetings in just about every city in some separate countries. Since most citizen are accustomed to getting up early to go to work, they are set at times that are reasonably comfortable for most.

Cartoon Network

In these meetings, you will usually find many entrepreneurs who are able to manipulate their own hours. However, I have seen many sales representatives attending as well.

They can be a great start to your day, especially if there is a motivating guest speaker. I believe that a good dose of enthusiasm and motivation is just what we need to start our day. What makes it good is if it is something live, like a good speaker.

Furthermore, you get a chance to start your day productively by meeting new contacts. Sure, you can meet new citizen at anytime of the day but since the day is fresh and holds unlimited possibilities, introductions in the morning add a extra novelty to the overall process.

But wait, there's more! Below, are 3 more reasons to check out company networking morning meal meetings;

1. citizen tend to be full of energy and enthusiastic in the early morning hours.

Typically, in the morning citizen are ready to get their day going. We tend to be more motivated and outgoing very early in the day. It is later on in the day that we tend to get tired or lose our steam. This makes networking at this time, a more enjoyable action opposed to the alternatives.

2. Everybody has a fresh perspective for the day.

A new day all the time has the promise of new possibilities. Even if it is only in our subconscious, we know this and it radiates from us in the morning. Okay, maybe it doesn't when you're just involved in a general workday but when it comes to socializing, we tend to be a bit more optimistic in our character.

3. You will maintain the excitement critical to honestly fuel your day.

Sometimes, a morning meal meeting can be like a shot of adrenaline. It can be like ingesting a few high-powered energy drinks as that early morning buzz carries you through the rest of your day. Who needs "5 Hour Energy" when you can go to a great networking morning meal mixer?

3 Reasons to Network at breakfast Meetings

The 3 Best Social Networks

I would think if you asked 5 different people what the best social networks are you would get different answers. And part of that lies in the fact that different folks have different uses for these sites. And, depending on your need, you will most likely choose a different network. The following is a short list of 3 of the best social networks and their uses.

Cartoon Network

  1. One of the largest is MySpace. Now, if you are not a teenager, or are not marketing to teenagers, you really have no business on MySpace. I do not have a site set up there for obvious reasons. I do not think it is user friendly, I think there is too much junk on it, and I do not have the need for 1000 friends, or which I might actually know 2. I would say do not waste your time.
  2. The fastest growing right now is Facebook. This is actually a pretty cool website. It allows you to link up with friends based on things you may have in common. For example, I graduated from Thomas Edison State College. I could put this into my account, sort of like a tag for me, and others who also went there could link up with me. We could then see each others calendars or schedules, and stay in touch. It is also growing very fast in terms of different website applications being developed ever since they opened up their code (API).
  3. My favorite is Digg. I love it. I like the fact that I have a say in what is news worthy and what is not. You basically vote yes or no on the news story. The higher the amount of "diggs", the higher the article will move up. Once it reaches a certain level, it will now be on the front page of Digg. You can also comment on the news stories, which by the way are far more fascinating than the stories themselves. I also use Digg to get Google to find my websites. Google loves Digg, and is always in there looking around for links to news stories and other websites. If you can time this just right, you can get your news story, blog post, or website in Google in less than 24 hours. It is truly amazing what they call the "Digg effect" which is how fast they websites get ranked and the ability of everyone to crash your servers.

Cartoon Network

The above is only a small list of the best social networks out there. There are plenty more, but most of the attention is given to these. Check them out and see which one you like.

The 3 Best Social Networks

Get more information about how to use MySpace at

The Hives - "a/k/a IDIOT" Burning Heart Records

The Hives - "a/k/a IDIOT" Burning Heart Records Tube. Duration : 2.33 Mins.

Like this video? Come see thousands more at the Net's biggest, uncensored, completely diy punk, hardcore, indie and alternative music video site,! We've got News, Games, Contests and the stuff that we can't show on YouTube! Free! Uncensored! Retarded!! Director

Tags: Sweden, garage rock, garage punk, punk rock, indie, music_video, music, video, the hives, hate to say i told you so, blanktv, music video, indie music, alternative music, videoclip, video clip, Howlin' Pelle Almqvist, Cartoon Network, The Vines, Get Free, Spin magazine, Throw It On Me, Get Him To The Greek, NFL Network, Tick Tick Boom, Eagles of Death Metal

Top 3 Fun Networking Questions

A great way to connect and follow up with business professionals at networking events is to engage in great conversations. It is important for professionals to be good talkers as well as good listeners. They should also pay attention to details-small or large. It is also an advantage for business people to remember their colleagues names and professions. An excellent way to build these abilities it to ask fun questions that are memorable and exciting. Asking these type of questions can give professionals insight into their counterparts personalities, likes, dislikes, abilities, strengths and weaknesses.

Cartoon Network

Here are a few questions below to get the networking ball rolling!

Cartoon Network

Fun Question #1

If you could be a superhero, who would you be and why?

This question is a great icebreaker and definitely creative. Besides going down memory lane, professionals will have to think hard about who they would select to be. The character whom they choose can say a lot about their ambitions. Their superhero could exemplify how they would like to be viewed or revered in their workplace. Their superhero abilities could be a link to their strengths and talents as well as how they communicate or interact with others. And their superhero choice could mirror their stronger personality traits.

Fun Question #2

Which tv show or movie is similar to your present day life?

This question will definitely stir up a great dialogue and conversation. Learning about what people like to watch in their free time tells a lot about what they value in their social lives. Comedies, mysteries, suspense, drama are all different types of themes that can express the social aspects of many professionals. The tv show or movie can also display a particular actor or character that the professional wishes to emulate. Also pay attention to the theme or moral of the show or movie to find out how the professional views their life and relationship with others.

Fun Question #3

What is your favorite beverage (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)?

This question is great for finding out what tastes do people prefer. Their drink selections could mirror their taste to music, clothes or even cars. It can tell a lot about their personalities and character traits including how they interact with others. Their drink selection can also tell a little about their background or different places where they go for leisure or social fun.

Top 3 Fun Networking Questions

Chi Chi Okezie is owner/producer of SIMPLEnetworking, LLC in Metro-Atlanta, GA. Newly published author of "SIMPLEnetworking: Creating Opportunities ... The new form of success!" View excerpts of the book and polish your professional approach:

94 - Fight to the Finish - 2

94 - Fight to the Finish - 2 Tube. Duration : 8.27 Mins.

Code Lyoko - 94 - Fight to the Finish - 2 (from Cartoon Network Video) Special thanks for Techlinks!!!

Tags: code, lyoko, 94, Fight, to, the, Finish, part2, english, Cartoon, Network, Video, Special, thanks, for, Techlinks

Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion

Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion is almost identical to Super Smash Bros. Did Papaya Studio simply copy the idea from that game or what? There are four main characters that fight it out in arenas. You have to be careful here and watch your health meter because the higher it goes the more damage you have sustained, until eventually you are kicked out of the game.

Cartoon Network

The game features a few secret characters that can be unlocked, but you will first have to play through the single story mode. The narrative is told by the famous George Lowe and he does a very good job of talking you through the story. The acting however, is shoddy and poorly done. The developer didn't pay much attention to making a great game here. It seems they released the prototype onto the market.

Cartoon Network

If you play the single player mode, you jump over pits, fight baddies, and collect health. It's pretty much common stuff, but the scrolling is bad, and your movements are not precise, the fighting doesn't seem to be all that enjoyable. Sometimes you can encounter jerky movements and the controls don't seem to respond.

As you progress from one level to the next, you find the game becomes boring. There is nothing new in the upper levels, everything you do is exactly the same in all of the levels. The only difference you notice is the scenery, which does change every time you move onto a higher level. You can progress quickly as the levels are small and easy to play. You don't face any serious challenges.

If you played Super Smash Bros, you will hardly want to play this game. It's as if you're playing the same game, but the version that was still in development. So now you're playing a half game, and you will feel disappointment and probably quit the game before you even reached halfway. You won't want to limber on to unlock the special characters because your enthusiasm will be dampened by the sheer simplicity and awkwardness of this game. It's a game that makes you feel miserable. Don't play it before bedtime, you'll have nightmares.

The game seems to be filled with glitches and bugs that ruin your gameplay. Even at times when the game is running smoothly, there simply is no enjoyment in playing it. The multi-player mode promises a better experience, but when you finally try it, you find it's just as poor as single player mode. Your friends will hate you for getting them to play this game with you.

The 3D does not even look like 3D. Other games that use 3D have a much better effect. Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion is not worth your time and effort. If you pass this game by, you won't be sorry and perhaps it is the best thing to do. Don't waste your hard earned money on a game that doesn't deliver. Gamers want entertainment, and they want to enjoy the games they play. This game promises neither.

Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion

Please visit our ps3 games website for the latest Playstation 3 games news.

Gaming with the Kwings - Lego Star Wars III (Wii) co op part 1

Gaming with the Kwings - Lego Star Wars III (Wii) co op part 1 Video Clips. Duration : 28.78 Mins.

Lego Star Wars 3: The Clone Wars Wii Co Op this is part 1 of many.

Keywords: Lego, Star, Wars, III, Wii, Review, lucasarts, Lets, Play, Guide, Gameplay, Lego Star Wars 3, The, Clone, Nintendo, PS3, Kwing, Reviews, Gaming, Two, best, friends, video, games, married, gamers, girl gamer, co-op, walkthrough, playthrough, cartoon, network

Networking Tips For the College Student

Networking is becoming increasing popular on the collegiate scene and many students are taking advantage of its valuable benefits. College students are networking at campus social events, volunteer/community activities, lectures, conferences and career fairs. College students can also branch out and start to build social and professional relationships with their business counterparts for ongoing success. Although it may appear that students have limited funds, limited time and limited resources, this article is designed to shatter those false theories and provide opportunities for college students to excel in their networking endeavors!

Cartoon Network

Listed below are tips and suggestions which are practical for college students who are networking and want to build relationships for academic and career advancement.

Cartoon Network

The Great Follow Up

College students are encouraged to follow up immediately after meeting professionals, business people and other college students at networking events. Follow ups can be in the form of email, phone calls or written correspondence. The follow up should not only be timely, but also professional and meaningful for both parties involved. In the follow-up make sure to include the reason for following up and the purpose of building a relationship.

On Campus Activities

College students should be very proactive in their networking objectives and initiate one-on-one gatherings. It is an excellent way to build relationships and develop their networking skills. Although college students tend to operate on limited funds, here are a few suggestions of how they can approach their business counterparts for success meetings.

Art / Cultural Shows On Campus

We recommend that college students invite professionals and colleagues to art, cultural and social activities on campus. Most of these events are free and if they are after hours, your business counterparts might not have to pay for parking. It is a great opportunity to show your business counterpart around the campus and inform them of various activities within the student body.

Lunch on Me

College students can also offer to meet up with their business counterparts on campus and have lunch at the cafeteria or at a nearby restaurant. Depending on the eating situation, students can use their student id card or meal plan to cover the meal expenses. Yes, if you are inviting someone to breakfast, lunch or dinner, it is your responsibility to pay. The other person may be courteous and pay for their half but do not always assume the latter. It is a sign of respect, etiquette and kindness.

Head of the Class

Another great way to build relationships, is to invite your business counterpart to sit in on one of your favorite classes or lectures/speeches. It would be a great learning experience and you can use that opportunity to introduce your counterpart to your professor, friends and other college/university staff. You can also use that opportunity to ask to be invited to social and business events of your business counterpart.

These are excellent ideas for building relationships, taking initiatives and moving towards your networking goals. College students should also remember to follow up in a timely manner, be punctual for all events and meetings and to be professional in their social and business dealings with their business counterparts.

Networking Tips For the College Student

Chi Chi Okezie is owner/producer of SIMPLEnetworking, LLC in Metro-Atlanta, GA. Newly published author of "SIMPLEnetworking: Creating Opportunities ... The new form of success!" View excerpts of the book and polish your professional approach:

Full Episode - Agent X

Full Episode - Agent X Video Clips. Duration : 12.22 Mins.

The Garfield Show presents another Full Episode!

Tags: The Garfield Show, Cartoon Network, Odie, Garfield, Cat video, funny, animation

Wireless Network Trouble Shooting

Wireless Network Trouble Shooting

Cartoon Network

1. Wireless Adapter - First check to see if your wireless adapter is on and working properly. If you are using a PCMICA wireless adapter ensure that the card is pressed completely in. If the wireless adapter card was not plugged in when you started your laptop you may want to restart your computer for a fresh start. If you are using a laptop with a built in wireless adapter. What Wireless Network - Check the bottom right hand task bar to see if you are connected to a wireless network. Many people are connected to the wrong wireless network with a weak signal or hardly any connectivity. You want to change your wireless adapter setting to choose Infrastructure access points only so you're not connecting to rogue wireless access points.

Cartoon Network

3. SSID and ME - Next check your wireless settings for the following: DO you have the correct SSID typed in, is your encryption key typed in correctly, does your wireless router and wireless adapter have the same security settings.

4. DHCP ME - If you don't have a manual TCP/IP address then your wireless router needs to have it's DHCP server turned on. Connected to your web interface and turn on your DHCP server. Next go to your wireless network icon in the bottom right hand corner and disable your wireless adapter and then enable it. This will renew your DHCP request to the routers DHCP server.

5. PING!- Next we will use a command line function called PING. Type "cmd" in the run box, this will bring up your DOS window. Now type in ping and then type in the TCP/IP addressof your default gateway. If you have not changed it your default gateway's ip address should be or If you receive a reply then you know that you are connected properly to your router.

6. WWW...WHAT - Now try and surf the web. Go to or another simple page. If nothing comes up then you might have a manually configured IP address with the correct DNS servers entered. Connect to your wireless routers web interface and check the status. You are looking for the multiple DNS server IP address. Copy these IP addresses into you adapters TCP/IP settings and hit ok.

7. Google ME - Once your DNS servers are entered you should be able to surf the net. If you still can't surf the net try restarting your computer and check you cables again to make sure you haven't missed something.

Wireless Network Trouble Shooting

Sign up now for the most popular wireless networking news letter on the internet. Receive the inside scoop on wireless technology for the home and work place at

Facebook Culture - understanding group Networking in 2010

Social networking has been with us for a very long time. The caveman sitting with his fellow hunters in front of the fire and cooking and eating their newest kill was public networking.

Cartoon Network

Going to the pub for a drink after work with your workmates is public networking. Just about operation that you do with your friends and colleagues is public networking. So how is Facebook different?

Cartoon Network

Social networking is now online. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection. There are some sites that cater for just about every taste and requirement. Facebook is one of them. It is a free site open to anything to join. You do this by setting up your catalogue and creating a profile which contains as much or as tiny as you desire. You can put your picture up there, so that your new friends can see you and match your picture with your words.

Once you are signed in, you can begin finding for your friends and asking them to associate with you. From there, you can taste their friends and make more connections that way. As you can see, the snowball supervene causes as your name to spread in all directions. If someone sees your name and picture, they can taste you and ask to be your "friend." You don't have to respond, you can accept or ignore the ask as it suits you. It is entirely up to you.

Once you have agreed to be friends, you can read each other's pages. You can then post your newest news and photos for your friends' responses and read and annotation on their newest postings. In this way, a public interaction speedily spreads among you and your friends wherever you may be, everywhere on the Internet. No charge. It is a breathtaking way to make and keep friends all over the world.

You like playing games? You can play assorted games including scrabble with your friends any where, anytime. There is also an email catalogue and instant messaging available if you want to converse privately with one singular friend only.

You can easily understand why Facebook is growing at an breathtaking fast rate. Facebook has over 500 million active users and increasing all the time.

So, if you are a public person, or would just like to be one, here is a breathtaking way of meeting, albeit digitally, friends in the relieve and security of your own home, at a time of your own choosing. It doesn't get any better than that. Try it, you might like it.

Facebook Culture - understanding group Networking in 2010

"India: Oh my God, what have we done? Part 2" Epdevries's photos around Agra, India (travel pics)

"India: Oh my God, what have we done? Part 2" Epdevries's photos around Agra, India (travel pics) Tube. Duration : 1.70 Mins.

Preview of Epdevries's blog at TravelPod. Read the full blog here: This blog preview was made by TravelPod using the TripAdvisor™ TripWow slideshow creator. Entry from: Agra, India Entry Title: "India: Oh my God, what have we done? Part 2" Entry: "We leave to go to Agra and the Taj Mahal, we really need to get out of here. We walk down to the travel office on the street across from us. There are also 6 other travelers waiting to go to Agra that day. Three Israelies, three Brithsh, and us. We are all walking to the bus pick-up and we are feeling good about seeing other travelers. New Delhi is waking up. The cows are roaming the streets eating garbage, scabby and cowering dogs saunter in and try to get some of the remains. The smell of garbage and sewage pervades the air. People are lining up in the streets to fill their days water jugs from the community fountains. It is awe striking. I can't convey it all to you. The crumbling buildings with all manner of filthy clothing hanging out the windows and garbage strewn about. The garbage stopping only where there isn't enough traffic to make it move any more. There are trash cans and dumpsters here, but they just get dumped back out on the street as people are constantly digging through them. After 10 minutes we make the bus. Everyone else gets in one bus, and we get in another. That's right, we got the local bus again. We are really wanting to see some faces that are familiar right about now, but don't. Off ...

Keywords: india gem scam jaipur, gem scam goa, india:, god, what, have, done?, part, agra, uttar pradesh, india, trip, slideshow, tripwow, tripadvisor, photography, vacation, photos

MF DOOM - Kon Karne

MF DOOM - Kon Karne Video Clips. Duration : 2.87 Mins.

a lil slideshow I made. the song is Kon Karne by MF DOOM, from the album "MM..Food" lyrics: Darker than the east river Larger than the Empire State Where the beats to guard the barbed wire gate Is on the job not my fate Tired of the wait to the villain bring deliverance from the dire straits Fire at a higher rate Why'd they make the liars Fliers scatter Buy a plate Isolate the wires Try the straight pliers if not the vise grips A real price saver way to acquire nice whips What a steal for real on wheels of steel Stunner a funner summer number one meal deal bummer A bizarre phenomenon is your armor on Take ya cash coma or break ya fast Ramadan Trons action drama awww come on barney Clack clack pardon me wack rap Kon Karne He came to feed the childrens like Sally Strothers After that he's going back to cali where's da [love is] Wilder than the nile Old power like the great pyramids of giza And stay leanin like the tower of pisa Give him something he can feel that's off the squeeza Raw with the pen and on the mic off the hezza Get shot off that wide eye talk If he had a pot he'd still piss on the sidewalk Can't take the street out the street person Looking for the perfect beat co worsen into heat bursting They couldn't spot him on the spot date Got the only tape that comes with a free hot plate Whoever do get to see me sing With the 3-D ring sittin stationary like BB King Can see how it really sting It ain't no front row Standing room only at the motorcross stunt show The ...

Tags: mf doom, kon karne, doom, viktor vaughn, slideshow, metal face, metal fingers, daniel dumile

group Networking Has The Power

Social Networking has the power to enable both experienced and new Marketers to build a list of prospective customers with very slight or... No outlay.

Cartoon Network

There are numerous ways to set up an online business, with very slight or no outlay providing you have whether a laptop or a computer and an internet connection you have the tools to set you in the right direction.. There are quite a few communal Networking Sites so its worth researching into which works best for you.

Cartoon Network

Of procedure once habitancy come to know you, you can promote your product more successfully. It is a vast internet market which can be used for communal or enterprise opportunity. Many different niches are out there with communal Networking sites being a good place to start.

The world is your oyster as the internet reaches approximately every part of the world so this gives you way to vast traffic opportunity.... Now everybody knows to be victorious in enterprise you have to build a customer base, or list of prospective customers, this is crucial in any enterprise and communal Networking can be the way to perform this and make this possible.

Think about what you want for your enterprise and what will work best for you!!.. Building your customer base is crucial, but first you need to build trust and more importantly... Show you can be trusted. habitancy buy from habitancy they trust, that's a fact. If they do not trust you they will Not Buy From You. Building trust takes time so you need to allow time for this it will not happen overnight, so be patient.

This is where communal Networking has the power, approximately like Building a connection which of procedure it is..... But Building a connection with your customers. You need to be sincere, you will soon be found out if you are not. Do not pretend or try to be an expert if you are not, habitancy will soon see straight through this and you will then lose any credibility you had.

Be sincere customers will not expect you to know all the answers but trying to find a clarification will go a very long way to help build that trust. Customers will then see you as the man they will return to in the future. So just to go over what communal Networking can do for you,.. This is a way of Building your online enterprise customer base even friendships are made here.

There is no good way to build a victorious business.

Put all this into practice and you are well on your way to see that communal Networking has the Power.

group Networking Has The Power

How to Master Network Marketing

Are you reading this article because you want to learn how to Master network marketing? This industry is very concise and has a lot of people dropping out because they do not see the results they want fast enough. The first tip that I can give you right off the bat is if you want to get rich in this industry very fast then it might not be the business opportunity for you.

Cartoon Network

As a matter of fact there is no business out there that will make you millions of dollars within a couple of weeks or months no matter what any of the website out there say. Sure the claims may sound very great and very intriguing but when you really sit back and think about it it's all hype.

Cartoon Network

Now that we got that out of the way, let's focus on network marketing. Network marketing is a business that will pay you to bring new referrals into a company or to sell their products or services the company offers. It's a very special business because it has different tiers and structures known as downlines, that give you the ability to make residual income off every single week or month depending on how the company pays out.

How do the professionals do it? How do they make tons of money in network marketing? After being in this industry a while I realized that they continue to fill their pipeline in with prospects every single day no matter how big they get.

It's easy to just relax once you build the downline and expect them to do everything but you can't do this. You have to get away from that method and you have to continue to recruit, recruit, recruit. The recruiting never stops... always remember that.

No matter how big you get, continue to fill in your pipeline on a daily basis with interested prospects that are willing to sign on the dotted line. If you can do this every day there is no reason why you can't build a downline with MLM.

How to Master Network Marketing

Does your JOB let you work in your underwear? Mine does, let me show you how you can make an extra ,905 every month like clockwork for FREE from the comfort of your home utilizing a secret strategy found at


Omar Negron has been involved with marketing online since the ripe age of 18. He is the Co-Creator of The Work In Your Underwear System, which is expanding worldwide.

What Is Cpni (Consumer rights Network Information)?

The buyer rights Network information (Cpni) is information that telecommunication services (I.E. Local, long distance and wireless telephone carriers) acquire about their subscribers. The information that is collected typically includes the services they use, as well as the estimate that they use these services and the type of usage.

Cartoon Network

To be more specific, the type of information the Cpni includes is the discrete data displayed on a customer's monthly phone bill, which may include:

Cartoon Network

• Telephone line type and its technical characteristics

• Service class

• Existing phone charges

• Local and long distance assistance billing records

• Directory assistant charges

• Usage data

• Calling patterns

• All optional services to which the customer has subscribed

• And so on

Although the Cpni collects all of the above information of telephone customers, the Cpni does not contain the customer's personal information, such as their name, address or phone number. The only parties that are privy to this personal information are the customer and their telecommunications company.

Furthermore, it is prominent to note that the Telecommunications Act of 1996, together with the solution from the Federal Communications Commissions (Fcc), normally forbids the use of any information that is collected about a customer, even for marketing purposes, unless express permission to use the information is first given by the customer. In addition, if a customer switches assistance providers, the old telecommunications carrier they were with, is not permitted to use any information in an endeavor to lure the customer back.

However, the Cpni does not prohibit everything. For example, the Cpni rules do not forbid the conference and publishing of compound customer information. Moreover, the Cpni rules do not prohibit the use of telephone subscribers' information for the purpose of creating directories.

Keep in mind, a telecommunication victualer must have their customer's permission first before they can share their customer's Cpni with any third party, along with other agents, affiliates, or parent companies. That being said, generally, when a customer allows a telecommunications victualer to share their Cpni, this helps the victualer to good serve the customer and meet their assistance needs. Nevertheless, a customer has the right to post their carrier that they withdraw their consent to have their Cpni shared whenever they wish, and their carrier must comply with their request.

It is prominent that you know your rights so you have the opportunity to safe yourself and your personal information. Therefore, should you feel that your rights are ever being violated, you can find out who owns a phone estimate [] and file a compliant with the Fcc.

What Is Cpni (Consumer rights Network Information)?

Dish Network Satellite TV Programming Guide

DISH Network currently offers five programming packages:

Cartoon Network


Cartoon Network

The DishFAMILY programming package is DISH Network's lowest priced package. This family-oriented package is .95 per month for 40 channels. Some of the channels in this package are:

Animal Planet, Biography Channel, Bloomberg Television, Boomerang, CNN Headline News, Discovery Kids, DIY, Food Network, FOX News Channel, Hallmark, Nickelodeon, Shop at Home, TBN, The Outdoor Channel, The Science Channel, and The Weather Channel.

America's Top 60

The America's Top 60 programming package is DISH Network's entry-level variety package. This package is .99 per month for 75 channels. Some of the channels included are:

ABC Family, Arts & Entertainment, CNN, Cartoon Network, CNBC, Comedy Central, Country Music Television, Court TV, Discovery Channel, Disney Channel, E! Entertainment Television, ESPN, Food Network, Healthy Living Channel, The History Channel, Holistic Television Network, Home & Garden Television, The Home Shopping Network, The Learning Channel, Lifetime, Men's Channel, MTV, Nickelodeon, QVC Shopping Network, The Sci-Fi Channel, The Travel Channel, TBS, and TV Games Network.

America's Top 120

The America's Top 120 package is DISH Network's most popular package. This package is *.99 per month for 230 channels, and includes all of the America's Top 60 channels plus:

AMC, Animal Planet, BBC America, Black Entertainment Television, Bravo, College Sports Television, Discovery Health, ESPN, FOX News Channel, FOX Sports
Galavison, Game Show Network, Independent Film Channel, MSNBC, NFL Network, Soap Net, The Speed Channel, Sports Alternate, Sports, Telefutura,
Disney, Turner Classic Movies, Women's Entertainment, WGN Superstation, plus 60 Sirius satellite radio channels.

* Note: This DISH Network programming package is .99 for the first ten months, then .99 thereafter.

America's Top 180

The America's Top 180 package is .99 per month for 318 channels, and includes all the America's Top 120 channels plus:

Biography, Bloomberg Television, Boomerang, CNBC World, Discovery Health, Discovery Home, Discovery Kids, Discovery Times Channel, Dish Music - 50's & 60's Hits, Dish Music - 70's, Hits, Dish Music - 80's Hits, Dish Music- All That Jazz, Dish Music - Beach, Party, Dish Music - Classic Soul, Dish Music - Country Music One, Encore, Fine Living, FOX Movie Channel, FOX Reality TV, The Golf Channel, GOL TV, Lifetime Movie Network, The Movie Channel, National Geographic Channel, The Outdoor Channel, VH1, Wisdom Television.

America's Everything Pak

The America's Everything Pak is DISH Network's top-of-the-line package. This package is .99 per month for 350 channels, and includes all the channels in the America's Top 180 package plus 31 movie channels from Showtime, Starz!, HBO and Cinemax. You also receive DISH Network HD (high definition) programming.

Additional Dish Network Satellite TV Programming

In addition to the above packages, DISH Network also offers HBO, Cinemax, Showtime, and Starz movie channel packages, plus sports packages, international channels, adult channels, HD TV programming channels, and more than 1,600 pay-per-view programs per month.

Local channels are per month.

Note: For up-to-date DISH Network information click on the links below.

Visit to see all the current DISH Network channels, or click on the following link to get ordering information and the latest special offers from DISH Network.

Dish Network Satellite TV Programming Guide

The author, Brian Stevens, is the senior editor for and has written extensively on DISH Network and satellite TV programming guides.

Cartoon Network - February 20-28, 1995 Commercials, ID's & Interstitials

Cartoon Network - February 20-28, 1995 Commercials, ID's & Interstitials Video Clips. Duration : 10.78 Mins.

TRADEMARK & COPYRIGHT CARTOON NETWORK. A TIME WARNER COMPANY. ALL OTHER TRADEMARKS, COPYRIGHTS & LICENSES HAVE BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED. NO INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. List of ID's, Interstitials & Promos: - 0:00 Secret Squirrel "The Best Place For Cartoons" Promo (Short Version) - 0:30 "Super Chunk" Promo (Short Version) - 0:45 "Super Chunk" - "A Pup Named Scooby-Doo" Marathon Promo - 1:01 "The Best Sunday Night On Television" Promo (Short Version) - 1:16 "Mr Spim's Cartoon Theatre" Premiere (February 26, 1995) Promo - 1:46 Secret Squirrel "The Best Place For Cartoons" Promo (Long Version) - 2:46 The Flintstones "Fred Head" Promo (Long Version) - 3:17 "World Premiere Toons" - Panasonic Big-Screen TV Giveaway Promo (Week 1) - 4:17 "Toon Heads" - "Insomnia Week" Promo - 4:33 "The Best Sunday Nights On Television" Promo (Long Version) - 5:03 "World Premiere Toons" - "Dexter's Laboratory" Premiere (February 26, 1995) Promo - 5:18 Various Hanna-Barbera Toons - "The Best Place For Cartoons" Promo (Short Version) - 5:48 "G-Force: Guardians Of Space" Promo (Short Version) - 6:03 Cartoon Network "Call Your Local Cable Operator" Promo (Hyperactive Kid) - 6:18 "Coming Up Next" PM Line-Up for Saturday, February 25, 1995 (Zorak from "Space Ghost: Coast 2 Coast") - 6:34 "The Pirates of Dark Water" Promo - 6:49 Cartoon Network "Technical Difficulties" Placeholder Card - 7:21 "World Premiere Toons" - "Dexter's Laboratory" Re-Run Promo - 7:36 "Jonny Quest" Promo (Short Version) - 7:51 "World ...

Keywords: cartoon, network, 1990's, 1995, commercial, bumper, promo, ad, id, hanna, barbera, secret, squirrel, morocco, mole, bugs, bunny, daffy, duck, wacky, races, flintstones, yuckie, dexters, laboratory, powerpuff, girls, super, chunk, pup, named, scooby, doo, world, premiere, what, cartoons, mr, spim, theatre, moxy, show, panasonic, toon, heads, gatchaman, battle, of, the, planets, g-force, godzilla, swat, kats, jetsons, dynomutt, zorak, space, ghost, coast, pirates, dark, water, jonny, quest, two, stupid, dogs

Ali Vincent Explains Portions and Food Groups

Ali Vincent Explains Portions and Food Groups Video Clips. Duration : 1.33 Mins.

What are portions and serving sizes? Well, we should have 5 - 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and one serving is the size of a tennis ball. We need lean meats each day. One serving of meat is the size of a deck of cards. Carbohydrates serving sizes are equal to the size of an adult fist. Remember, half of your plate should be fruits and veggies, the other half is protein and carbs.

Tags: Kids Rock Stars, Ali Vincent, Phoenix Children's Hospital, food portions, food groups, serving sizes, healthy eating, balanced diet, outreach, education

Cartoon Network: The History Of, and Downfall

Cartoon Network: The History Of, and Downfall Video Clips. Duration : 11.00 Mins.

SEND CN FEEDBACK HERE: --------------------------------- FULL EPISODES HERE: Full episodes under "Shows". Support our old favorites by watching them on the website. --------------------------------- BOOMERANG LINK: -Boomerang TV Online Anyone with Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player 10 and SopCast please try this link and message me if it works. Kudos to wwewwf96 for finding this for me. --------------------------------- I started watching television when I was four. It was 1999-2000 I believe, and I was introduced to Cartoon Network, and instantly fell in love. I've never seen anything like it before, having been the only source of entertainment for me at the time was my toy cars and Hot Wheels sets. I grew up with cartoons like Ed, Edd n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, and all the other classic and original Cartoon Cartoons, even the later ones like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. I loved the shows, I thought Nickelodeon couldn't compete. I never did like Nickelodeon that much, they have some good shows but nowadays it's just all iCarly and SpongeBob. CN grew up fast, and took on a look in 2004 that blew me away and had me even more captivated. It was a CGI city, where all the cartoon characters were intertwined with each other, living in this big city made up of the settings from various shows. It was really well done and gave ...

Tags: cartoon, network, ed, edd, eddy, ben10, juniper, nickelodeon, cartoons, animation, television, cowardly, dog, courage

Goodbye food pyramid, hello plate [CNN: 6-02-2011]

Goodbye food pyramid, hello plate [CNN: 6-02-2011] Video Clips. Duration : 1.50 Mins.

Subscribe for daily health news. Like/Dislike, Favorite, Comment, Embed on Blog, Facebook Share, and Tweet this video. Get the word out on this video. - Thursday June 2 2011 4:01 pm

Tags: sun, health, success, and, mlm, evans, business, international, dream, live, maker, ideas, rider, wealth, guruwomen, Leadership, Chinese, leads, national, archives, secrets, page, mlms, marketing, network, products, upline, new, lead, dillard, opportunity, wellness, training, the, home, yt:stretch=16:9, herbs, Gwen, Ifill, comedy, capture, Income, createsunrider, money, mike, awesome, Cokie, Roberts, Katharine, Weymouth, big, mcgowan, forumlee, herbal, selling, Multilevel, sunrider, guru, Direct, Diane, Rehm, journalism

Pokemon: Black & White - Pokemon: Black and White: Bear of a Battle

Pokemon: Black & White - Pokemon: Black and White: Bear of a Battle Video Clips. Duration : 1.97 Mins.

CLIP - Paul's Ursaring faces off against Barry's Hitmonlee. Watch Pokemon on Cartoon Network!

Tags: Sinnoh, League, Victors, Casting, Paul, Barry, Ursaring, Hitmonlee, Kick, Bear, Fight, Battle, Pokemon

Create an Avatar Free - Make a Cartoon Character of Yourself

Nowadays, being anonymous behind the computer is becoming the lesser preference as many people are more daring in letting their individuality show, whether through the use of real pictures or avatars. An avatar is an animated picture that is used to identify an individual in internet forums and chat boards. Creating an avatar is becoming a trend for many internet users especially with the elaborateness some websites that allows you to create an animated picture that looks exactly like you, for free.

Cartoon Network

There are lots of popular online websites that let you go wild in creating your avatars. To create an animated character of yourself for free, you will have to just go and visit those sites and follow the instructions given. A blank character should be visible in a box before you start creating one. To set the character at default, you can just click on a button and start experimenting with as many as 16 tabs which allow you to have your unique pick of hairstyles, eyebrows, and clothing. A single tab will offer you dozens of different choices so that you are able to create an avatar that looks exactly like you.

Cartoon Network

There are also some websites that allow you to create dynamic avatars for free for your personal use almost anywhere on the web. Some offer an easy method that does not use any Flash, ActiveX controls, downloads or toolbars. To create an avatar, you will only have to click on the 'create' tab at the homepage. You will be given the choice to select your gender, skin color and eye color of your own preference. As you click on the 'next' button, several options for expressions, hair and eyewear can be customized according to your taste. Every time a selection is made, you will notice changes in your picture. Once you are satisfied with your creation, you can save the animated picture onto your computer.

Creating an avatar is so much more fun and interesting today as you are able to have it look exactly like a cartoon version of yourself.

Create an Avatar Free - Make a Cartoon Character of Yourself

At the end, I'd like to share cool website with more information on how to create avatar and create an avatar yourself. Visit for more information.

Coming Soon: Comic-Con 2011: ThunderCats

Coming Soon: Comic-Con 2011: ThunderCats Video Clips. Duration : 1.05 Mins.

Check out a special sneak peek from ThunderCats. Only on Cartoon Network!

Tags: Coming, Soon

Using Business Social Networking

Business Social Networking

Cartoon Network

Business Social Networking is not a new concept executives have been using networking for centuries. Staying in touch with old college friends, colleagues and getting together on golf course or club is networking. The way we accomplish this task today has changed with the internet.

Cartoon Network

Finding people all over the globe to collaborate with on research and new products market are key these days. Business Social Networking will help your company to hit a home run every time.

You will discover some untapped market available across the globe that will buy your product. Find photos and graphics that are available for your use at no extra charge to use in your marketing. Find retail buyers for your product and take it offline as well as online.

Facebook and Twitter can go viral with content taking your company to a whole new level. Business social networking takes hard work and consistency. Social media sites are designed to be social with daily interaction.

The top three business social networking sites are linkdin designed to strengthen and extend your list of trusted business connections. Meet the Boss is a networking tool designed for business executives all around the world. It will assist you with making connections with other executives and problem solving together. All the content is posted in English. PartnerUp has the small business owner in mind. Here is where you can make connections with potential partners, advisors and business resources.

Business social networking tools can be found online they will do things for you like crunching data and find marketing statistics that will increase your bottom line. Find out if what you are doing is a good return on your investment.

Sprout Social was created for the companies to get social. Is a business software that will help you with your social media strategy. It will help you to run all of your social marketing from one place. Assist you in growing a highly targeted audience by managing your conversations and contacts.

Automating your networking is not what social media is about it does require a personal touch. Software is a great way to begin a connection it takes a human touch to maintain a long term relationship.

Some intriguing statistics that show the possibilities of business social networking. Did you know that the gen Y will out number baby boomers this year and 96% use social media? Social media has over taken porn as the number one internet activity. Last year one out of eight married couples met using social media.

The old ways of marketing your business are not as effective as they once were. The reason is networking is happening online these days. Companies need to have a strategic business social networking plan to survive.

Using Business Social Networking

For more great tips on Business Social Networking visit my website at

Types of Computer Networks

There are dissimilar types of Computer Networking that you may need for your home or office. To begin with you have the selection of a wired or wireless computer network. These types of networks differ. A wired computer network will have copper or fiber optic cabling running in the middle of computers while a wireless network uses radio waves and/or microwaves to verbalize communication channels.

Cartoon Network

A client/server network works by using client devices, typically Pcs with network software applications installed that request and receive data over the network. The server gadget will regularly store files and databases and includes more involved applications like Web sites. These devices often feature high-powered central processors, more memory and larger disk drives than the client devices. Two examples of client-server systems consist of Web browsers and servers.

Cartoon Network

In increasing to these types of networks there are also types of area networks. These are categorized by their scope or scale. Some area network types include:

o Lan
o Wan
o Wlan - Wireless Local Area Network - a Lan based on WiFi wireless network technology
o Man - Metropolitan Area Network - a network spanning a physical area larger than a Lan but smaller than a Wan, such as a city. A Man is typically owned an operated by a single entity such as a government body or large corporation.
o Can - Campus Area Network - a network spanning multiple Lans but smaller than a Man, such as on a university or local firm campus.
o Storage Area Network - connects servers to data storehouse devices through a technology like Fibre Channel.
o System Area Network - links high-performance computers with high-speed connections in a heap configuration.

Lan and Wan were the original categories of area networks but through the evolution of technology we have been forced to keep adding more and more types due to the ever-changing field.

A Lan network will join together devices over a relatively short distance. This may consist of a building, school, or home that will consist of a single Lan. Sometimes one construction will consist of a few small Lans and on the other hand a Lan may span a group of colse to buildings. A Wan spans a large distance. The Internet is the largest Wan as it covers the Earth. A network gadget called a router will join together Lans to a Wan. These are typically not owned by any one organization like Lans but are under a distributed ownership and administration system.

Types of Computer Networks

Introducing the New Food Icon: MyPlate

Introducing the New Food Icon: MyPlate Tube. Duration : 1.65 Mins.

The Department of Agriculture introduces the new food icon, MyPlate, to replace the MyPyramid image as the government's primary food group symbol. An easy-to-understand visual cue to help consumers adopt healthy eating habits, MyPlate is consistent with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Tags: President, Obama, Secretary, Tom Vilsack, First Lady, Michelle Obama, USDA, Agriculture, Fruits, Vegetables, Protein, Dairy, Grains, Food, Health Eating, Obesity, My Plate, Pyramid, Diet

Wireless Network protection - Setting Up Encryption and Authentication on Your Network

In previous articles, I relate two methods for securing an air-link in today's wireless network environment consist of encryption and authentication. This article goes into more detail on what types of encryption and authentication are available, which is best and how to set in motion them on a wireless network.

Cartoon Network

Most of the most recent wireless network devices man-made let you set up both encryption and authentication in one step. You conclude a network key phrase (also known by the following phrases interchangeably - network password, shared hidden keyword, network pass phrase or any variations thereof).

Cartoon Network

This shared hidden key phrase is a hidden set of numbers, letters and/or symbols you generate and is only provided to those users that are authorized to way your wireless network. With a shared hidden key or pass phrase, you are able to perform both safety functions:

Authenticate - Users that take the key phrase and install it on their wireless network configuration panel are allowed to way the network. Any user attempting to way the network without the proper key phrase will not be granted way into the wireless network.

Encryption - Your shared hidden phrase is also the pass phrase used to encrypt all wireless data before transmission and enables the information to be decrypted at the point of reception. Any user that is able to receive your transmitted Rf signal will only see gibberish on their computer because they do not have the key required to decrypt the contents of the transmission.

The two customary methods of providing authentication and encryption in today's wireless networks are Wired Equivalent Privacy (Wep) and Wi-Fi Protected way (Wpa). There are added methods and even complicated versions of these methods but these two methods are the most favorite and prevalent among today's wireless equipment.

The first method, Wep, is the older of the two and is very vulnerable to hacking. Roughly any novice computer hacker with a good antenna attached to a wireless adapter and a free software utility, ready for download in a amount of locations on the Web, can break this form of security. There are clear encryption flaws that make it easy for a hacker to break your shared hidden phrase (the Wep key) and gain unfettered way to your wireless network, your Internet relationship and your computer(s).

Wpa is the modern recommended solution for locking down your Wi-Fi network to unauthorized access. As mentioned earlier, there are a amount of versions and variations on Wpa but you want to use one of them as they contribute a greater level of safety than Wep.

So as you continue to work through your wireless network configuration and design, safety needs to be a high priority when it comes to selecting your hardware. Make sure All your hardware is Wpa compatible and that they all have the same level of security. Wep is good (barely) than nothing but all the time opt for Wpa safety for your hardware and network configuration.

Wireless Network protection - Setting Up Encryption and Authentication on Your Network Twitter Account Twitter Account Video Clips. Duration : 1.35 Mins.

The USDA linked to an unregistered Twitter account for the food plate (RIP food pyramid) website at I registered the account for them and proceeded to give people terrible nutritional advice. The account is here:

Tags: Twitter, USDA, Food Pyramid, Food Plate, Government

The Problem Solverz - Alfe

The Problem Solverz - Alfe Video Clips. Duration : 0.53 Mins.

What's the secret to being a good problem solver? It helps if you tackle problems that aren't that hard to solve to begin with. Don't miss Alfe, Roba, and Horace in The Problem Solverz, coming Mondays in April to Cartoon Network!

Tags: problem, solverz, alfe, roba, horace, sneak peek, animation, cartoon, network

Dhammakaya Prayer พระธรรมกาย

Dhammakaya Prayer พระธรรมกาย Tube. Duration : 6.42 Mins. http The Dhammakaya Foundation, under the leadership of Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh, better known as Luang Phor Dhammajayo, President of the Foundation, has set the goal to construct the Dhammakaya Cetiya in order to create world peace for all mankind by developing a peaceful mind in every individual. In fact, world peace is a result of a peaceful and purified mind of all. Therefore, we need a place to facilitate people in their search for spiritual fulfillment and the kind of happiness that is independent of material things and circumstances. Besides developing the mind power through meditation, we also cultivate moral conduct for interested people. Therefore, we will organize many activities beneficial to all mankind. The World Dhammakaya Centre (WDC.) is a Buddhist parkland and sanctuary. It is located at Pathum Thani Province, Thailand. It is an extension of the temple called Wat Phra Dhammakaya and is arguably synonymous. This extension was started in 1985 by Phrarajbhavanavisudh and Khun Yay Mahā Ratana Upāsikā Chandra Khonnokyoong. The centre covers 1000 acres (4 km²). In the area there are six main landmarks. The Memorial Hall of Phramonkolthepmuni: This circular domed building was built in 2002 in honour of the revered monk Phramongkolthepmuni, the founder of the Dhammakaya Movement. At present it houses an exhibition and a golden statue of that monk. The building is open to visitors and pilgrims. The Great Sapha Dhammakaya Hall: This hangar ...

Tags: dhammakaya, DMC, meditation, Law, of, Karma, dhamma, buddha, Hell, ธรรมะ, พุทธศาสนา, อัศจรรย์, นรกไทย, thai

Free communal Networking Tools

As you get more and more sucked into social networking for your firm it becomes increasingly important to ensure that you get the best efficiency out of the time that you spend. Maybe two or three years ago I would sit at my computer in a morning, open Outlook and check my mails, now it's all to easy to do the same with all the social networking opportunities that are out there but it's all too easy to find ourselves social networking from first thing in the morning until lunch time and then mental "what have I achieved?"

Cartoon Network

I bet there's many of you out there that can empathize with me so I've been doing a lot of work to ensure that whatever time I spend social networking is giving me a good return on my investment. In singular I find that Twitter is becoming more important in my daily routine so a lot of what I have to say revolves nearby some of the free Twitter tools out there but there are in increasing some knock on effects to other firm social networking sites too such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

Cartoon Network

How do you ensure that when you Tweet you're undoubtedly finding people and not just tweeting into a black hole? The first thing to do is to ensure that your followers are targeted, in other words people who are undoubtedly concerned in what you are tweeting about. Getting targeted followers is a difficult job and to my mind I've so far only found one tool that does this for you with any degree of success and that you have to pay for.

There are free tools out there any way that tell you either your tweets (in fact the links) are being read and getting people to click through to your site or the stock you are promoting and these include and - 2 link shortening sites. The assistance is in succeed two fold because the link shortening first of all helps you get the most out of the 140 characters that you are allowed per tweet on Twitter but then each shortened link is also a unique code that allows the click through rate to be reported.

Monitoring this click through rate will help your work out how to write and target a tweet so that it gets read. Techniques to use include how you write the Tweet, ask a interrogate rather than make a statement and also the time of day that you tweet. You may find that you get a best response to Tweets that go out at lunch time for example than those that go out in the evening.

Scheduling tweets brings me onto the next free software tool that you can use because let's face it, none of us are awake 24/7 so being able to automate some of our tweets can undoubtedly help. To do this there are a estimate of "dashboards" available and the functionality of these dashboards is growing fast. Some offer their own Url shortening and tracking service, all offer the tweet scheduling and in increasing (and the reason why these sites are called dashboards) you can get a overview of all your social networking activities in one place at the same time.

Dashboards to look out for include TweetDeck, HootSuite and SocialOoomph to name the most common.

Free communal Networking Tools